A Database Error Occurred

Error Number: 1064

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-12 , 12' at line 1

SELECT * FROM (SELECT a.nid as nid , a.cindex as cindex , a.nid_cat_news as nid_cat_news , b.ccat_news_vni as ccat_news_vni , b.ccat_news_eng as ccat_news_eng , a.cimage_thumb as cimage_thumb, a.file_name as file_name, b.ccode as ccode_cat_news , a.alwcmt as alwcmt , a.ctitle_eng as ctitle_eng , a.ctitle_vni as ctitle_vni , a.cshort_content_eng as cshort_content_eng , a.cshort_content_vni as cshort_content_vni , a.ccontent_vni as ccontent_vni , a.ccontent_eng as ccontent_eng , a.nstatus as nstatus , a.niduser01 as niduser01 , concat(c.cfirstname, " " , c.cmiddlename, " " , c.clastname) as cfullname , a.ddate01 as ddate01 , a.date_updated as date_updated FROM cms_tnews as a ,cms_tcat_news as b ,cms_tuser as c WHERE a.nid_cat_news = b.nid AND a.niduser01 = c.nid ) as view where nstatus = "1"AND ccode_cat_news = "news" order by nid desc,ddate01 DESC limit -12 , 12